Brochure: Supplier Footprint Optimization | Page 11

11 CONNECTING THE DOTS – WHERE STRATEGY MEETS OPERATIONS ABOUT goetzpartners goetzpartners is an independent advisory firm for all key issues of entrepreneurial activity: STRATEGY, M&A, TRANSFORMATION. With more than 350 professionals operating out of 14 OFFICES IN 11 COUNTRIES, we advise clients worldwide in all key industries. The company ranks among THE 10 BEST-PERFORMING GERMAN ADVISORY FIRMS (Lünendonk ® ). goetzpartners has received awards three years in a row as part of the “Best of Consulting” contest by the renowned German magazine “WirtschaftsWoche”, most recently in the “Project Excellence” category (2016). goetzpartners experts have worked with numerous OEMs and suppliers. The projects ranging from acquisition phase to exit phase served financial and strategic decision-makers. Our wide SERVICE PORTFOLIO HOLISTICALLY SUPPORTS ALL AREAS ALONG THE VALUE CHAIN. WE CONSTANTLY ANALYZE THE MARKET, e.g. with our annual GEAR automotive study. For the study, more than 100 managers of automotive suppliers were interviewed on how satisfied they are in regards to working together with OEMs. The outcomes from the study and from other research are used to adapt our methods to make sure you get the best services possible. P3 group is a technical co technology many topic ar COMMUNICATION, and D sionals operating out of 3 only focus on the strategy INTEGRATION AND LAUN can tackle the largest of p new telematics services fo DISCIPLINARY TEAM but hidden patterns in your d We are passionate about tants to explore new idea ideas get big enough, the to continue to foster the OUR COMPANY. Our broad portfolio of se SERVICES OUT OF ONE H NETWORK that can be lev your area of need. Wheth to change, or defending y PARTNER FOR OVERCOM +++ AUSTRALIA +++ BRAZIL +++ CANADA +++ CHINA +++ CZECH REPUBLIC +++ FRA +++ INDIA +++ ITALY +++ MEXICO +++ ROMANIA +++ RUSSIA +++ SERBIA +++ SPAIN +++ UAE +++ UK +++ USA +++ IMPORTANT NOTE Nothing contained in this presentation shall be interpreted as any corporate or partnership relationship between goetzpartners and p3. In particular Secs. 705 et seq. German Civil remain independent contractors. This document is intellectual property and copyright of goetzpartners. Its reproduction, forwarding or any other form of distribution or publication – including in extract form – is assumptions on which this document is based were undertaken by the authors to the best of their knowledge and judgment. No liability whatsoever is accepted with respect to th accurateness of contained analyses or assumptions. Where information was taken from public sources its accuracy and completeness was assumed without any further checking. B account the specific circumstances of individual cases and does not constitute any advice. This document cannot replace individual expert advice or extensive research which shou