brochure ocean | Page 5


This affects us because we need water as well as marine animals, corals, plants, and other living things. Just as the seas are important, so are the lives that live there both for the balance of the ecosystem and for the planet in general.


- The longest mountain range in the world is found under water. Stretching over 56,000km, the Mid-Oceanic Ridge is a mountain chain that runs along the centre of the ocean basins.

-Marine biologists estimate that only two-thirds of marine life have been documented and studied. There are millions more species that remain to be discovered.

-Light can’t penetrate 300 feet through the ocean; this area that can never be touched by sunlight is called the “deep sea.”

-The world’s largest museum is the ocean. Underwater you can find relics, artifacts, ruins, and shipwrecks that number more than what you can find in the world’s museums combined.