Brochure: HR Restructuring Communications | Page 8

8 Communication needs to be frequent, clear, and engage all stakeholders during the whole process GOETZPARTNERS‘ FOUR CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS In many headcount restructuring programs, one of the biggest and most fundamental mistakes companies make is to not communicate with its employees or to communicate too little and share too little information. Our advice is: Do not keep too many secrets for too long! This is crucial because in the absence of information, people will assume the worst. Therefore, it is important that you stay engaged and control how it is communicated. This helps to create an atmosphere of trust and through this to keep the best talents. Provide trainings to the executive team to sensitize them CLARITY AT A GLANCE • Explain the why, give reasons (people need to understand the need for the restructuring) • Be transparent about what is known now and what will come later and when • Be aligned and speak with one voice – all leaders need to give the same information/ reasons/explanations ENGAGEMENT • Engage all employees by implementing communication cascades: town hall, business unit and departmental meetings • Capture feedback (survey/intranet) • Develop Q&A briefings SUCCESS FACTORS FREQUENCY • Communicate frequently, also communicate “bad news” (be in the driver seat) • Set clear dates for communication and information rounds and stick to them • Include all employees (directly and indirectly affected employees) STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT • Make sure to include all stakeholders like workers council/unions, government, customers, suppliers, regulators and other arms of government, board of directors, … • Be aware of legal information obligations (e.g. mass redundancy notification) • Adapt messages accordingly Source: goetzpartners, ERM report 2018