BroadcastPro ME August 2013 | Page 24

PROCOVER TOP: A car enthusiast posing with his 1969 classic Ford Mustang. The show has it all from classic headturners to fire spewing cars that you can’t help but notice. Key Kit * Production: 3x Sony EX3 with Canon HJ11 Lens GoPro Hero3 for aerial shots with remote octocopter 22K blondes LED light panels Arri 88w Redhead lights Panasonic 9” HD field monitor * Audio: Seinheiser handheld microphones and receivers (to camera) GTV has three full-time editors to edit the footage. The episode then undergoes colour correction and grading. This process take around four days. The subtitling is also executed in-house and the finished episodes are sent to Munich for packaging. “GTV also runs the marketing and sales for the show. OSN being a tapeless facility, we deliver the show on hard drives to MotorvisionHD which is based in Munich. Our office in Munich packages the episodes for OSN and feeds the signal to Dubai,” explains Pannier. “We market the show ourselves. We have marketing and promotions on social media but we don’t show the programme on social media because it is a TV show,” he explains. The first broadcasts will continue to be with MotorvisionHD and OSN, but the producers are open to selling it – with a due time from first airing – to free-to-air channels. The producers are also in talks with sponsors and some initial breakthroughs have already been achieved, confides Pannier. The crew There are four producers on location to work the cameras and sound with the presenters. Besides them, there were eight people on set to manage the presenters, the make-up and the audio. The show is not without its challenges. For one, the harsh summer heat easily tired the crew out. Secondly, the producers had problems when a few rather gigantic cars were stuck on the show. “We couldn’t move them because of their sheer size. Sorting such issues on location often takes up precious shooting time but we have to take that in our stride,” explains Pannier. Thirdly, the people that appear on such shows are not actors and some of the participants are camera shy. To make them feel comfortable before the cameras requires some expertise on the part of the presenters so they ignore the cameras and talk about their cars, says Pannier. “We don’t have time to cast people for the show, so everyone who appears on the show are non-actors. We often come across participants who are camera shy. 22 | | August 2013