Broadcast Beat Magazine 2017 BroadcastAsia Special Edition | Page 41
Imagine if every-
thing around you
could be captured.”
Xsens have introduced on-body jacking, the subject can work deep
recording pack sensors that can in the woods without the need for a
store motion data directly to on- nearby power source. MVN Studios
body hardware, eliminating the 4.4 makes mocap more accessible
need for computers, cameras and than ever.”
Whether working with an optical
other heavy-duty equipment near-
by. Take advantage of this. Select
an appropriate location rather than
or magnetic system, interference
Don’t make editing harder
for yourself.
turning to postproduction edits to
fill in the gap.
Take extra time to keep data
as clean as possible.
is always possible and precautions
should always be taken. For optical
systems, this mean rigorous cali-
Define a clear system for naming bration of both the space and the
your motion capture assets, which actor. For magnetic systems, the
Hein Beute, Director of Product will inevitably save time sifting freer the space of magnetic noise,
Marketing at Xsens, explains: “For through hours of recorded kinetic the better the result.
instance, you could capture a graphs. You want something that Motocross rider’s movement from embeds key data: names should While many steps of the process
the start of a race to the end; or if include an indication of the scene, can be automated, checking for
you’re performing ergonomics on character, action, and a take num- noise movements or swaps first
a hands-on profession like lumber- ber. hand will catch many glitches early
Broadcast Beat Magazine • • 41