Broadcast Beat Magazine 2016 NAB NY Special | Page 32

Cameron Jahn,

Chief Marketing Officer, AmpLive

Audience Development is a business function like any other. In order to be successful and convert your online viewers into customers, you need to understand how to build an Audience Develop-ment funnel.

Understanding your Audience Development funnel is key to having a successful live broadcast. That goes for businesses of all sizes including enterprises who invest millions in developing some of the best live content online – but, what good is that content if nobody gets to see it?

Your goal is to get your audience to engage with, share, link to, and promote your live event. This is also known as earned media. What often happens is that companies spend all their budget developing a great production and forget about how they are actually going to promote this content online.

Let’s take a look at the main players of an Audience Development Funnel:

a. This is who your live broadcast is being made for. This is your ideal audience before your broadcast gets started. Also known as the top of the funnel or target audience.

b. To engage the public you post blogs, spread the word on social platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn and spend your media budget to get people to pre-register for your event.

c. When developing your ideal audience, keep in mind who you are creating the content for. Think of unique engagement points and the relevancy of the content the viewer is going to be watching.

At AmpLive, we distinguish a viewer as at least 5 seconds of play time, and 100% in view. This is anyone who has seen your content – they were definitely interested and the content may even be relevant enough for them to share it with others.

This is a viewer who engages with your content by taking some sort of action. They share your live event, post on their social accounts, or participate in your conversation.

a. To determine whether someone is a prospect, track the amount of attention they give your live broadcast. You should be listening to the social outreach and sentiment happening in real-time. Identify what subject and information they are looking at and what challenges you can solve for them.

b. Once prospects are identified you can segment them into different buckets such as: social shares, whether they tuned in and shared something with your keynote speaker, and whether they engaged with a product demo. Segmenting your audience from your Live event is key in understanding your audience and how best to turn them into customers.