Briefing Papers Number 9, July 2010 | Page 3

strategy for the Haitian government’s reconstruction plan. It calls for equipping the Haitian government to “assertively guide the next phase of Haiti’s rebuilding, implement a viable development strategy, and take decisive steps to move Haiti onto a more sustainable reconstruction path.” As a constellation of actors on the ground work to meet the challenges, a truly country-led process including both Haiti’s government and its citizens remains elusive. The dynamics of the relief effort will set the stage for the long-term recovery and reconstruction. Reconstruction will be overseen by the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC). Approved by the Haitian legislature in May 2010, the IHRC ostensibly workers add the second series of panels to a water responds to two key concerns—the limited capacity Haitian the Acra camp in Port-au-Prince. After the sheets20,000 liter bolted tank in of zinc are of the Haitian government to lead the reconstruction to vertical ribs around the structure, a plastic lining makes the structure and skepticism among donors that reconstruction waterproof. funds will reach the Haitian people. The existence of a multi-donor fund does not automatically Co-chaired by former U.S. President Bill  Clinton and Haiti’s Prime Minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, the IHRC is translate into aid that is more coordinated and effective or into modeled after the post-tsunami reconstruction authority support for government priorities.5 There are few examples in Aceh, Indonesia. After 18 months, the functions of the of effective civil society participation in structures similar to IHRC will transition to a redevelopment authority run by Haiti’s, particularly of marginalized groups. For instance, while the Indonesian post-tsunami multi-donor trust fund has the Haitian government. been touted as a success by donors, it largely failed to address In theory, the IHRC should serve as a flexible, responsive, transparent, and accountable decision-making body to gender concerns in its project design and objectives.6 Supporting a country-led recovery includes the following: approve and oversee recovery projects and coordinate donor funding. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee report Incorporate civil society voices into the permanent structures suggested that the IHRC is the best near-term prospect for of the IHRC and the Haiti Reconstruction Fund. managing Haiti’s rebuilding, but also urged quick action A genuine effort to put Haitians at the center of the to make it operational and cautioned against its becoming disaster response cannot ignore the role of civil society. overly bureaucratic. The current structure of the IHRC could slow the funding and actual implementation of development Haiti’s vibrant people and organizations are now credited projects—multiple signoffs are required for project approval with filling the gaps where relief efforts have fallen short— and there is confusion about the decision-making process. organizing in both urban camps and rural communities With 20 million yards of rubble remaining and the urgent flooded with displaced people. Resilient communities and need to provide shelter from the hurricanes, there is little grassroots organizations with local knowledge have provided ongoing assessment of the needs in the camps for displaced time for bureaucracy. 7 The relationship between the IHRC and another key people. For example, the Christian Center for Integrated vehicle for reconstruction, the Haiti Reconstruction Fund, is Development (SKDE), a network of more than 100 rural still unclear. The Haiti Reconstruction Fund, administered by cooperatives which each have hundreds of members, quickly the World Bank, is intended to coordinate resources, nimbly activated its structures to provide support to the flood of disburse grants for projects, and help build government victims from Port-au-Prince. In the days after the earthquake, the Haiti Response capacity. A steering committee chaired by the Haitian government will review and approve proposals and serve as Coalition, a network of Haiti-based nongovernmental the final point of accountability for the use of reconstruction organizations, coalesced to coordinate aid efforts. The funds.4 Donors who contribute $30 million or more will have coalition has now launched “The Initiative for a New Haiti,” a consultative strategy for rebuilding focused on key sectors, a seat on the steering committee. Bread for the World Institute  3 David Snyder/CRS Haiti’s Reconstruction