Briefing Papers Number 20, November 2012 | Page 8

This analysis is an essential step to assist in analyzing the current situation and identifying needs, areas of gaps, and opportunities to inform strategies and key priority areas for nutrition-sensitive development. A preliminary assessment of how extensive a nutrition-sensitive analysis will be needed can be made using existing information and discussions with key stakeholders involved in program design and implementation. Health and food security information systems are likely to be important sources of information, together with any existing nutrition-specific data.66 Table 1 (next page) provides an example of the data considered in a nutrition-sensitive analysis within a food security program. Determine and Define Target Population Groups on which service providers, groups, and individuals have the most influence on the primary targeted populations and the greatest potential to reach as many beneficiaries/clients as possible. Vulnerable populations at increased risk of hunger and malnutrition include: agricultural smallholders; landless, female-headed households; pregnant women; nonbreastfed children; children from very poor households; people living with HIV/AIDS; individuals with severe acute malnutrition; and/or populations living in emergency conditions. The type or mix of interventions will vary with the target population. There are six critical contact periods in the lifecycle of young children and women when nutrition support is most important: Before planning nutrition-sensitive activities, it is necessary to determine and define the primary and secondary targeted populations.67 The most vulnerable populations are prioritized according to the scientific evidence (e.g., those in the 1,000-day window of opportunity) and the country context (e.g., national malnutrition data). The secondary targeted populations should be selected and defined based 1. Pregnancy 2. Delivery and the early neonatal period 3. Post-natal, lactation, and reproductive health/family planning contacts 4. Well child visits (growth monitoring) 5. Sick child visits 6. Immunization contacts Figure 2  Illustrative Model for Implementing “Nutrition-Sensitive” Programming Start Nutrition Situation Analysis Landscape Analysis on Countries’ Readiness to Accelerate Action in Nutrition High Impact Define Targeted Populations Baseline Data Collected Set Nutrition-Specific Objective Primary objective in health sector and secondary objective in other sectors Target Setting Process Indicators Outcome Indicators Output Indicators Impact Indicators Nutrition-Specific Interventions Nutrition-Sensitive Development Monitoring and measuring achievements along the way; modifying/adjusting as necessary Pathway Process, defined activities and actions Nutritional Impact End Results Improved Nutritional Status Reduction in Stunting Reduction in Wasting Reduction in Underweight, Low Birth Weight and Overweight Reduction in Anemia Reduction in Micronutrient Deficiencies 8  Briefing Paper, November 2012