Briefing Papers Number 20, November 2012 | Page 16

Updated_1105 31 Behrman, Alderman and Hoddinott (2004) and Horton, Alderman and Rivera (2008) have stressed that investments in agricultural research and development do reduce undernutrition but the magnitude of this change is relatively small. 32 A Time for Leadership: Europe’s Role in Eradicating Global Undernutrition MultiStakeholder Report on Nutrition and EU Development Policy. Accessed at: http:// 33 The Journal of Nutrition. Differential Improvement among Countries in Child Stunting Is Associated with Long-Term Development and Specific Interventions. Anna Milman, Edward A. Frongillo, Mercedes de Onis, and Ji-Yun Hwang. J. Nutr. June 1, 2005 vol. 135 no. 6 1415-1422. Accessed at http:// 34 uploads/pdf/SUN_Framework.pdf 35 High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis. Updated Comprehensive Framework for Action. September 2010. Accessed at UCFA_Final.pdf 36 uploads/pdf/SUN_Road_Map.pdf, p. 6. 37 USAID’s Global Health Strategic Framework: Better Health for Development, FY 2012-FY 2016. pdf; health/home/Publications/docs/gh_framework_es2012.pdf. These countries include: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. 38 Institute of Development Studies. “How much money is invested in nutrition?” 7 November 2011 21:33. Accessed at http://www. 39 Bouis and Islam, Scaling Up in Agriculture, Rural Development, and Nutrition. Delivering Nutrients Widely through Biofortification: Building on Orange Sweet Potato, Brief 11, IFPRI, June 2012 40 Underlying factors of malnutrition include: poverty, lack of access to food, disease, conflict, and climate change. 41 Other terms related to “nutrition-sensitive” mentioned by experts include: “nutritionsensitizing,” “nutrition-integration,” “nutrition-linking,”