Briefing Papers Number 13, December 2011 | Page 11

Feed the Future needs of individual countries through consultative processes and plans that are developed and led by country governments • Strengthen strategic coordination to mobilize and align the resources of the diverse partners and stakeholders— including the private sector and civil society—that are needed to achieve common objectives • Ensure a comprehensive approach that accelerates inclusive agriculture-led growth and improves nutrition, while also bridging humanitarian relief and sustainable development efforts • Leverage the benefits of multilateral institutions so that priorities and approaches are aligned, investments are coordinated, and financial and technical assistance gaps are filled • Deliver on sustained and accountable commitments, phasing in investments responsibly to ensure returns, using benchmarks and targets to measure progress toward shared goals, and holding ourselves and other stakeholders publicly accountable for achieving results19 In September 2009, President Obama launched the U.S. government’s global food security initiative, Feed the Future. Its goals are: to boost food supplies through agricultural development; to increase access to food through more efficiently functioning markets, job growth, and higher incomes for poor people; to improve nutrition, especially among mothers and infants; and to build stronger food and agricultural systems and other institutions that can assure sustainable food security for years to come. This heightened commitment to agricultural development in 2009 was a welcome response to the global food price crisis of early 2008. The Feed the Future is an innovative program that aims to put the aid effectiveness principles of Paris and Accra and the Rome Principles for effective assistance for food security that were endorsed at the World Food Summit in Rome in 2009 into action. The Rome principles include: • Invest in country-owned plans that support results-based programs and partnerships, so that assistance is tailored to the Figure 4  Feed the Future Results Framework G