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FIGURE THIRTY SIX- PRIMARY PHOTO WEAKNESS Whilst observers analysed the store in Birmingham, it was evident to see that the presentation of the store is hard to maintain. This may be due to Topshop being so big and hectic that the staff are more customer focussed than focusing on the store itself. The clothes were found in incorrect orders and misplaced on the floor. It was also found to be difficult to find staff members during rush hour; Particularly when the observer visited between the hours of 12-1 when lunch breaks commence and local workers shop in breaks. Topshop have been perceived to use poor choice Mannequins as it sets unrealistic body inspirations for consumers. Specifically negative for the youth. (Topshop to stop using ‘ridiculous’ mannequins, 2015) A further weakness is the location issues. River-island and Topshop in Birmingham are next door to each other and as both brands are popular stores within the mass market there could be high level of competition. Arguably, when a consumer can find a pair of jeans for £5.00 cheaper,similar quality and style they’re more likely to shop elsewhere. (Smithers, 2012) FIGURE THIRTY SEVEN