Brewings Vol. 42 Issue 4 Fall Edition | Page 3

President ’ s Column continued from page 1
The very next weekend Large Bird and I traveled to our brother chapter the North Star guys annual Guzzle N Twirl show . It too had to be held outdoors with safety procedures in place . A lot of dealers and people on a beautiful day made it a very successful show in my opinion . We both came home with a bunch of new items and it was nice just to see and connect with our fellow collectors who we hadn ’ t seen in person for quite a while . Well done North Star chapter .
Speaking of beer shows be sure to mark your calendars for our upcoming show at the Kato Brewery in Mankato MN November 21st . We moved the show up this year to accommodate our deer hunting friends . This has turned into a real nice show for us and I ’ ve always said what better place to have a beer show than a brewery ?
In case the membership doesn ’ t know yet both Tom Terwilliger and I were asked to run for the BCCA board of directors this year . Normally one would campaign for votes mostly at the annual Canvention but as mentioned earlier that was cancelled so we both had to submit a bio and short video as to why we would be good directors of the club . The word came right during the auction portion of the Bird ’ s Nest show so Tom handed me his phone when former President Cheryl Boyles called with the results . After getting over the shock that I answered Tom ’ s phone she congratulated us both for being elected . I ’ ll have to admit when I made the announcement to the crowd , I might have strung Tom along a little but I couldn ’ t keep a straight face for long telling him we had both been elected . Who would have thought back in 1978 when this chapter was formed that some day there would be someone from the chapter on the national board of directors ? Not only that but we have two of us . I know I speak for Tom how humbled and honored we are to be elected and thank you for your support . We are both very excited not only to represent Minnesota and Iowa but to be part of the decisions that will propel this hobby and club forward .
Hope to see ya all at the Kato show . Also please let me know if you have any questions , suggestions or problems with Chapter functions . This is YOUR chapter and we are here to listen .
Hamm It Up , Steve # 12802
Cheers fellow Border Batchers ! What a year it has been . So many crazy things happening that have shut down or at least restricted our lives and the way we do things . We ’ ve all missed out on many of the things in our lives we value including beer events and gatherings . We did have a few summer show outdoor options which are discussed elsewhere in this newsletter . This summer I resumed the duties of Newsletter Editor and while it was nice to take a break it ’ s also good to be back . We are getting back to putting the newsletter out in digital form and working on embedding more videos and multimedia into the newsletter . So when you read the electronic version be sure to move your mouse around and look for the videos . I think this will make the newsletter more engaging . There are numerous changes taking place in the chapter . Steve Miner is the President and will be again in 2021 . Dave Bullock is the VP and will be in 2021 . Judy Terwilliger has resumed as Secretary and Ted Stueber is now the Treasurer . The Board has 4 members and the 2 open positions were filled at the Chapter meeting by Gary Sprenger and Nick Dylla . If you want to run for the Board you must be a BCCA member just as you would to be President and VP . We now have 3 shows on our annual agenda after adding the Bago Beer Bash as our new September show . We had a succsessful show and made some decent money for the club . We will have to look at some new options for raising chapter funds . We dicussed Stubiefest and the chapter decided if it could be made into an event that would generate income the chapter would still be willing to support and sponsor it . The chapter is looking into structuring membership to include a social membership for casual members that would not allow them to vote on chapter business and a dues structure to encourage membership in the BCCA . More to come on this as we work out details . This years Christmas party will be held at the Birds Nest on Sat , Dec 12th . Details are on the flyer in this newsletter .
Prosit ! Tom # 28855