Brewings Vol. 42 Issue 4 Fall Edition | Page 2

Dr . Hamm ’ s

Greetings fellow Border Batchers , 9
Hope this newsletter finds you all well and ready to put the year 2020 in your rearview mirror . To say it ’ s been a trying Summer so far is certainly an understatement . Because of this damn virus we ’ ve had to sacrifice just about all the things we normally do in the Summer months-baseball games , going out to bars and restaurants and most of all our beloved beer collectors shows . This years Canvention in St . Louis was shaping up to be an epic show but due to concerns of safety they wisely cancelled the show . Beings it was going to be the Grand 50th Anniversary of the BCCA many special events were planned that just couldn ’ t happen due to concerns . Obviously , the attendance would have been way down so it was decided to just move it up a year and hold the 50th celebration in 2021 .
Speaking of beer shows one night several of your officers were having a couple of cold ones at the newly constructed Bird ’ s Nest here in beautiful downtown Winnebago and the question was raised . Why couldn ’ t we have a show here ? Plenty of outside room in the country so adequate safety concerns could be addressed and nobody would get their panties in a bundle over it . We “ leaked ” some information out that very night and were quite amazed at the immediate reception we got . So , we decided to proceed . A food truck was arranged , camping area secured right next door and thanks to our generous hosts Dave and Missy Bullock we had a great venue for Friday night hospitality . Some great raffle prices were secured and we started taking calls . To say we were slightly surprised at the reception we got shouldn ’ t have been a shock . Wisconsin , Michigan , Montana , Texas and Illinois were some of the states that committed to showing up for the 1st Annual Bago Beer Bash . Friday night arrived with some light rain but that certainly didn ’ t stop the people from arriving and enjoying the company in the Nest . Beer , food and Karaoke were going strong into the early hours . Saturday morning the sun was out and people started to arrive and set up in the spacious lawn area . We were pretty well filled up by 9:00 AM and the variety and quality of items available were incredible . The walk-in crowd was steady all day and I saw a ton of stuff walking out the driveway . All the dealers I spoke to raved at what a good some they had . We have already decided to have Bago Beer Bash II next year and it will be bigger and better .

Continued on page 3 president ’ s desk

Brewings is the official Brewsletter of the Schell ’ s Border Batch , Chapter # 83 of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America . Published quarterly for chapter members to keep up with chapter events and news . All materials in Border Batch Brewings are written by members of the Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter , unless otherwise credited . No reimbursement is made for submissions . This publication is not copyrighted and material may be reprinted , provided credit is given to the author . The Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter cannot be responsible for any errors which may occur . If you have anything you would like to contribute please send your newsletter article to : Schell ’ s Border Batch Tom Terwilliger 1501 180th Street LuVerne , Iowa 50560 Or send it e-mail to schellsguy @ borderbatch . com Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings .
Chapter Officers
• President - Stevan Miner # 12802
• Vice President - Dave “ Big Bird ” Bullock # 35729
• Treasurer - Ted Stueber
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger # F32049
• Chaplin - Father “ Furray ” Srock # 9678
• Artist - Barry Travis # 30938
• Newsletter Editor - Tom Terwilliger # 28855
Board of Directors
• Nick Dylla # 3 Year
• Gary Sprenger # 3 Year
• Steve Miner # 12802 2 year
• Tom Terwilliger # 28855 2yr
• Murray Srock # 9678 1 year
• Jay Martin # 16605 1 year
Dues are $ 10 per year or $ 15 for couples and due on Dec , 31 each year . Dues can be sent to Tom Terwilliger , 1501 180th Street , LuVerne , IA 50560
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