Speaking of Pabst, a group of us took the
tour of Pabst. At one time this brewery
employed 5000 people, covered 7 city
blocks, comprised 28 buildings and made
over 1 million barrels of beer in a year. I
got to sit at Frederick Pabst desk and in
his chair, I really enjoyed that. We were
also told that, there are 13 ghosts who
inhabit the downstairs infirmary but, not
to worry, they are happy we are told. This
is a must take tour for anyone who is
even remotely interested in brewing
history. There is also a picture of myself
posted on the batch page, lying on the
floor of the Pabst taproom in a somewhat
risqué manner, you might say.
We also took the Miller Brewery tour which is
also fantastic in its own right. We toured the Miller
caves and this was absolutely fascinating, as Spock
would say. These caves, 10 of them I think, were all
dug by hand and when you see them, you just say,
wow! My favorite part on any brewery tour is always
at the end. Free samples! Ok, moving on from
I need to comment on two beers Teri and I
had recently. One was a cask conditioned Robust
Porter aged on oak and a Raisin Oatmeal Milk Stout
on Nitro from Lyn-Lake brewing in Minneapolis.
These beers were some of the best I have tasted in
quite some time ( 2 days ??) and I did what I call "Beer-a-Lingus" on them, if you get my analogy.
I'm quite the cunning linguist. They were spectacular brews.
Of course North Star chapter Guzzle
& Twirl is fast approaching (October 10th)
and we plan on being there and YOU
should too! If you come on and want to hit a
brewery taproom, let us know, we have
been to almost all of them and can help you
get around.
The annual Stubiefest will be past by
the time you are reading this and I'm sure
everyone will have had a great time. Here
are some of the stats for Stubiefest, which
I’m told are true. Held annually near New
Ulm, it is a 16-day festival running from mid
or late September to the first weekend in
October, with more than 6 million people
from around the world attending the event. Every year large quantities of beer are consumed, with
7.7 million liters served during the 16 day festival. Oh, wait I guess those stats are for Octoberfest
in Germany, Stubiefest was much bigger than that. Now a shout out to Lori. I know, been there. I
feel for you. Get well, thinking about you and see you soon. Till next time, Jay.
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