Hail Border Batch,
Thanks for putting up with me through my previous three articles. Steve Miner and I had planned to
collaborate about some of the early times of the chapter in this, my final article; however, Tom recorded
that conversation and is putting it out on the chapter video library.
Terwilligers and Miners have made this an interesting year for me ever since the call from Steve to
meet in Superior WI for a beer last summer. I always kind of wondered what was going on in Steve’s and
Susan’s lives but did not suspect that the chapter was still going and very viable after 36 years. Happy to
hear that.
Since we talked a little about the origins of the chapter in the video, I think I will just mention a few
things about how can collecting
and trade sessions went back in
those olden days. I say can
collecting because that was the
primary focus of everyone I knew
of. Today it seems to be so much
more. I was awe struck seeing
Steve’s collection. It’s a far cry
from having cans in the trunk of his
car for dumping.
Back in the day, it was trade
only. No buy and no sell. As a
matter of fact, a seller would have
been asked to leave a trade
session. Co