Greetings Fellow Border Batch Friends,
I hope everyone had a great summer, it sure did go by too fast. But
like everyone knows after summer comes the fun-filled Stubiefest “New
Ulm’s Fall Tradition”. This Fest was held Saturday, September 26th. If
you were not there you missed a good time with the best weather ever for
the 9th Annual Celebration. Festers came from as far away as Las Vegas
and Nebraska and as near as the next door neighbors! The hayride was
a super hit again leaving with 54 riders and returning with several more.
The racks were packed. We rode to New Ulm and patronized the Kegel
Club, Mowan’s Bar, The B&L Bar and Smiley’s Corner Tavern.
Upon returning to the Fest Grounds we enjoyed delicious food and
beverage while listening to the World’s Worst Band and many showed off
their musical talent with Karaoke. This year we also had some
piromaniacs with a loud fireworks show that drew a visit from a Brown
County deputy. (got by with just a warning, thank goodness)
Thanks to all those who had a part in making the Stubiefest Auction
item this year, Stubiefest Bottle Caps made from hog pans. Two Bottle
Caps were auctioned off with the proceeds going to the Border Batch
Club. Also thanks to everyone who had a part in making Stubiefest a
success, those who made and donated food, helped set up and take
down, donated the tractor, trailers, beverage cooler, and the entertainers.
(hope I am not missing anybody) A special thanks to Tina for providing the
transportation to make sure everyone made it home safely.
Now on
to my latest
addition to my
collection. At a
recent kitchen
cabinet install I
noticed a
Schell’s beer
lite they had
and before I
could ask
about it the
husband said
“not for sale”. I
had never
seen this one
before. But I
thought never
give up! I was at their home several times to finish their new kitchen,
always talking about the light. Finally I made him an offer he was
surprised at, he thought about it for awhile and then he did sell it to me. I
estimate it is from the 1930’s. Has anyone ever seen it before? If you
have any information on it please e-mail me at [email protected].
I’d appreciate any info you would have.
In closing, thanks for the great year I had as president of this fine
club. Soon I will be handing off the presidency to the very capable Tim
Tanley. I have no doubts he will be a super leader that will take us
through 2016.
Remember, like I have said in the past “Everything revolves around
beer”. “So let’s have one!”
Dan – The Stubie on the Left
Brewings is the official Brewsletter
of the Schell’s Border Batch,
Chapter #83 of the Brewery
Collectibles Club of America.
Published quarterly for chapter
members to keep up with chapter
events and news. All materials in
Border Batch Brewings are written
by members of the Schell’s Border
Batch Chapter, unless otherwise
credited. No reimbursement is
made for submissions. This
publication is not copyrighted and
material may be reprinted, provided
credit is given to the author. The
Schell’s Border Batch Chapter
cannot be responsible for any
errors which may occur. If you
have anything you would like to
contribute please send your
newsletter article to:
Schell’s Border Batch
Tom Terwilliger
1501 180th Street
LuVerne, Iowa 50560
[email protected] Any
and all newsletter articles will be
considered for publication in the
Border Batch Brewings.
Chapter Officers
President - Dan Stueber #
• Vice President - Tim Tanley
• Vice President Elect • Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger
• Chaplin - Father “Furray”
Srock #9678
• Artist - Barry Travis
• Sgt At Arms - Mark
• Supply Sergeant - Lori
• Newsletter Editor - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
• Webmaster - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
• Past President - Murray
Srock #9678
Dues are $10 per year or $15 for
couples and due on Dec, 31 each
year. Dues can be sent to Tom
Terwilliger, 1501 180th Street,
LuVerne, IA 50560
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