Brewings Brewings Vol 29 Issue 3 | Page 3

V O L U M E 3 0 I S S U E 3 P A G E 3
Greetings from the Land of Sky Blue Waters ,
How ’ s everyone doing out there now that we finally seem to have gotten Summer , completely missing the Spring season at least around here . We were lucky here in our part of Southern Minnesota that we didn ’ t get all the rain and bad weather I ’ m sure some of our other members have endured the last couple weeks . The Summer slate of beer shows is in full swing and hopefully you ’ ve been able to attend a couple already . I know the Internet and eBay has greatly changed the picture on local shows but they are still the best way to network , actually handle the items you ’ re considering buying and maybe even having a beer or two with some of the greatest people out there .
Been a busy Summer here so far . Several weeks ago , we attended fellow member and resident artist Barry Travis and new love muffin , Emma ’ s wedding reception in St . Paul . It was held at St . Paul Country Club and was quite an affair . Barry had the tables decorated with cone top beer cans and I was surprised that there wasn ’ t a note on each one asking “ If you have any cans like this ….. According to Emma , he wanted too but she didn ’ t allow it . The Rockin ’ Hollywoods were the band and true to form the Groom got up and did a couple numbers with the band . Excellent . We sat at the “ Beer Collectors ” table
and I even managed to pick up a Hamm ’ s Pre-Pro opener from a fellow table mate . Never gave it a thought to bring trading stock to a wedding reception .
As many of you have already heard , we ’ re planning a celebration next year for the Batches 30 th Anniversary . Our grand raffle prize is going to be a Hamm ’ s Scene-O-Rama motion sign so that should cause some excitement and boost the ticket sales during the year . Hopefully Tom will have the chapter history DVD done in time and we can have that to distribute also . If anyone has additional ideas for the Anniversary , by all means let President Jay or myself know .
If anyone has any recent finds that you ’ d like to share with the chapter , I ’ d like to create a column in the newsletter to publish those pictures . Feel free to forward the picture and information to me at miner @ bevcomm . net and we ’ ll get the column started . Hope to see you at a couple shows this Summer . Support your local Brewer and Chapter .
Hi kids , my name is Barry and I ' m a collector of old beer stuff . I try to draw the line at pre 1970 ' s stuff , but my temptations go as far as my little wallet will take me . That ’ s why I utilize the " powers of scrounge " -no one will ever knock on your door offering you rare brewery items . You need to spread the word however you can-to coworkers , neighbors , relatives ( and relative strangers !) The effort you put into it will be directed to your shelves and display cases . I ' ll try to detail some of the people , stuff and situations I come across in my travels and hope you can take ( and receive ) something from them , even if its just a laugh . Lets start by what you ' ll need to spread the gospel . Some of this stuff is simple , so take what you want from it . Your mileage may vary ... BUSINESS CARDS- Hey , where can you get a better investment of a nickel ? You can talk someone ' s ear off , wearing a leather thong and show them your beer stuff , but two months later , how will they get in touch with you ? Your card is there when you aren ' t-it shows someone WHAT you collect and how to contact you . It can be passed to a neighbor , stuck in a window or posted on a bulletin board or online . I still have some people gave me a decade ago . Get some made , locally or online . Your first lead you get pays for them . PROPS-Whether its an old can with the lid cut out to hold pencils , a wooden case or Hamms cooler ,
or a sign in your garage that people can see , its a visual that can start a conversation . " Hey ... my Grandpa had one of dem in his cabin !" your fishing buddy says . People will start to know that you are a beer nut . Sure , you ' ll have to graciously accept some Billy beer cans and Pigs Eye coasters , but kissing a few toads to find that princess is nothing , right ? GIVE-Information , time , beer stuff , whateverthe more you give , the more you get . Its not a cliché , its true . Yeah , some guys are black holes where everything goes in and nothing comes out , but that ' s an exception . Beer people are giving by nature it seems . Need examples ? The Terwilliger ' s , Martin ' s and Stueber ' s give themselves to the chapter and hobby in time , edibles and drinkables . And too often get no thanks for it . But it comes back in unexpected ways . Vance , Bart and Bryan with their homemade consumables-I smile every time I have the opportunity to sample them . Steve Miner and I exchange stuff for cost-it won ' t work for everyone , but if I can put something on HIS shelf or actually SURPRISE him ??... well , that ' s an accomplishment . That ' s enough for now-don ' t lounge , go scrounge ! Barry Travis