Brewarrina Shire Destination Management Plan Brewarrina Shire destination management plan | Page 16

 Identify opportunities for tourism and associated land uses in local plans (Action 5.9) Other core directions in the Plan, relevant to the Brewarrina DMP are:      Direction 10: Direction 15: Direction 16: Direction 18: Direction 19: Enhance the economic determination of Aboriginal Communities Manage land along key river corridors Increase resilience to climate change Respect and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage assets Conserve and adaptively re-use European heritage assets For the eastern part of the Region (Brewarrina, Bourke, Cobar and Walgett LGAs) the priorities include:  Expand tourism opportunities and experiences to increase overnight visitation  Promote unique tourism opportunities to enhance the Far West as a quality tourism destination 2.3.3 Western Plains - Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) 2018-2020 The State Government, through the Department of Premier and Cabinet, has prepared a Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) for 37 Functional Economic Regions in NSW. Brewarrina, Bogan, Bourke, Cobar, Coonamble, Walgett and Warren Shires form the Western Plains Region. The vision for the Western Plains Region is: To build sustainable long-term economic prosperity and quality of life for existing and new residents by leveraging the Western Plains’ advantages for agriculture, manufacturing agricultural products, mining and tourism in a changing climate. The REDS identifies tourism as a significant economic activity with the potential to diversify local economies and create resilient and vibrant communities. It has ‘Grow tourism to enrich and diversify the regional economy’ as one of five core strategies and identifies five key priorities:  Developing natural and built assets to attract visitors – with the REDS identifying the Brewarrina Fish Traps, Culgoa National Park, Narran Lakes Nature Reserve and artesian baths as under-resourced assets within the region. The REDS also recommends leveraging cultural identities and assets and using art installations to enhance the attraction base.  Developing airline /airport infrastructure leading to encourage and support the development of a regional airline service.  Enhancing the number and quality of accommodation options.  Establishing a forum for tourism operators to network, advertise and cross promote.  Developing Aboriginal cultural attractions with communities. 14 BREWARRINA SHIRE DESTINATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 2019 - 2022