Her Excellency Margaret Beazley AC , QC Governor of NSW and her husband Mr . Dennis Wilson visit Brewarrina .
Brewarrina Mayor Phillip O ’ Connor said the Governor ’ s visit had been a morale booster for the community and an opportunity to demonstrate Brewarrina ’ s ‘ can do ’ spirit .
Governor Beazley and Mr Wilson spent time at the Brewarrina Central School , met with councillors , visited the Aboriginal Museum and rock fish traps , and took in a tour of Narran Lakes , the Goodooga bore baths and the Goodooga Central School before flying back to Sydney .
“ The Governor was very gracious , and we appreciated the fact that she had done her research on Brewarrina before she arrived , and knew what we were about ,” Councillor O ’ Connor said ”.
“ She wanted to listen to people and she spent time talking to the school kids and kicking a footy with them ; she was interested in what council was doing and was impressed by the way the various parts of the Brewarrina community worked together .
“ She ’ s an important link to the NSW government , and ultimately , to the Queen , so we were grateful that she took the time to come and see for herself what life is like here ,” he said .
“ She was able to see the work on the Goodooga Road and was thrilled about the indigenous employment that this project has provided and the team that had done such a great job .
“ We were over the moon at the feedback we had from her , and very thankful that the Governor of NSW took the time to visit us ,” Councillor O ’ Connor said .