Brewarrina News October 2020 | Page 3

Come swim , all Year . And Play . At the Brewarrina Pool and Splash Park . FREE Entry All Summer

General Managers Desk

significant funding from grants and subsidies and a corresponding substantial increase in asset construction and renewal .
It may surprise many to learn that Brewarrina Shire has a general fund rate base of around $ 1m and yet last year achieved a turnover in excess of $ 29m , the majority of which came from grants and contributions for services and capital works . Whilst there was only a modest increase in cash reserves ( up $ 300k ) the results clearly show that the Council has weathered the drought and Covid-19 issues and managed to increase local employment , build or renew our community assets and maintain a favourable bottom line .
With continuing border closures , Council thought that it might be a good time to launch a new tourism video into the Northern NSW coastal market and it appears that this strategy has proven successful . Despite the travel restrictions , visitor numbers have remained steady with a significant increase in campers for both Brewarrina and at Goodooga based on past trends , some of whom have referred specifically to the media advertising . The constant stream of positive remarks from visitors is very pleasing and thank you to all those visiting our Shire , you are always most welcome .
With the delay in Local Government Elections till September 2021 it was necessary for Council to conduct an election for the positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor . As the returning officer for the election it is my duty to announce that the current Mayor Cllr Phillip O ’ Connor was again elected as Mayor and that Cllr Vivian Slack-Smith was elected Deputy Mayor .
That ’ s all from me this month .
Jeff Sowiak .

Come swim , all Year . And Play . At the Brewarrina Pool and Splash Park . FREE Entry All Summer

OPEN this Weekend !!

GENERAL MANAGER : Jeff Sowiak 50 Bathurst St , Brewarrina NSW 2839 Phone : 02 6830 5152 Email : news @ brewarrina . nsw . gov . au Website : www . brewarrina . nsw . gov . au Postal Address : PO Box 125 , Brewarrina NSW 2839
PRINT COPIES : Brewarrina Post Office , FoodWorks Supermarket ,
Brewarrina Visitor Centre , Goodooga & Weilmoringle Digital Subscriptions available at www . brewarrina . nsw . gov . au
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