Brewarrina News October 2020 | Page 2

General Managers Desk

The Mayor Cllr Phillip O ’ Connor , Deputy Mayor Cllr Thomas Stanton and I took time out with the council works crew from Goodooga to celebrate the completion of the sealing of the road from Goodooga to the QLD border .
The sealing of the Goodooga Road was and still is a monumental challenge , one that Amer Tawfik , the Transport Manager , accepted and whose expertise and unwavering commitment to this task is gratefully acknowledged . Along with the more recent assistance of Ben Lister the Project Engineer and James Rolph the Road Supervisor and the great crew of workers and contractors , Council has been able to deliver the first part of this project , on budget and in record time . Well done ! I am sure we will have a proper celebration once all the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted and with three bridge openings , a sealed road and the new SES shed completed , there is certainly a lot to celebrate .
The success of this road construction project sends a great message to our State and Commonwealth leaders . Brewarrina Shire currently has proven beyond doubt that it has the capability and the expertise to employ local people to deliver 32km of new road .
But the job ’ s not finished yet , with attention now focused on the remaining unsealed section south of Goodooga , with two teams now working simultaneously from both ends for the next two years to achieve a fully sealed road from Brewarrina through to QLD . This project will deliver substantial savings for freight and transport users and provide a much needed economic stimulus for this Shire .
But there is more good news , work has started on the Goodooga Tennis Courts , Geoff New Oval fencing and the splash park at the Brewarrina Pool is well underway . Unfortunately , the splash park project was delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions , however the pool will open before the work is completed and will be free with no pool entry fees .
Council has now received the auditor ’ s report on our accounts for 2019 / 20 and it is most pleasing to report that the Council has again achieved an unqualified audit report and is in a sound financial position , due mainly to
Photo of the works crew celebrating the completion of the sealing of the road from Goodooga to the QLD Border
GENERAL MANAGER : Jeff Sowiak 50 Bathurst St , Brewarrina NSW 2839 Phone : 02 6830 5152 Email : news @ brewarrina . nsw . gov . au Website : www . brewarrina . nsw . gov . au Postal Address : PO Box 125 , Brewarrina NSW 2839
PRINT COPIES : Brewarrina Post Office , FoodWorks Supermarket ,
Brewarrina Visitor Centre , Goodooga & Weilmoringle Digital Subscriptions available at www . brewarrina . nsw . gov . au
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