Brewarrina News October 2020 | Page 16

Moving Moments

Moving Moments

It was a Wednesday . Plain old , meaning nothing , Out of the ordinary .
Urayne had been chatting to a woman for a while . Telling her story , the story of the Old Mission , and her tribe and giving her whole self , as she does , to the visitor who wanted to know , who kept on asking questions .
‘ My grandfather ran The Old Mission in the 1930s ’, the woman blurted out ,‘ he wasn ’ t very nice to aboriginals ’. She stared straight at Urayne , tears in her eyes . “ I feel so bad ’, she said , crying now , obviously distressed . ‘ I just want to apologise on behalf of my family .’
‘ You ’ re going to make me cry ’, said Urayne , moved now by the woman ’ s tears , wanting to comfort her .‘ You ’ re getting me all upset ’.
The rest of the conversation is private ; too much doesn ’ t need to be revealed here , but at the end , photographs were taken and the two women shared a moment that deeply acknowledged the past , and some kind of tiny movement forward occurred .
With love .