Brewarrina News October 2020 | Page 15

Taking care of Self

Taking care of Self

Taking care of yourself when it ' s an hour drive to the nearest town and an appointment for a massage or a haircut is weeks away can be a challenge for anyone , especially those of us who were originally from bigger cities . So here are a couple of handy hints that I use to try and look after myself that might be useful for others .
1 ) Get some exercise - I ' m as lazy as they come but I try and go for a walk everyday
2 ) List the things you are grateful for each day - sunsets / sunrises out here are incredible , as are the stars and the wildflowers
3 ) Indulge in your favourite treats - an occasional drink , chocolate ( almost daily ) and a long bath with luxury bath salts are mine !
4 ) Friendships - lots of friends locally but I also recommend taking time for those long phone calls ( or even zoom / facetime ) with those who are further away .
5 ) Say YES ! To new foods , new experiences , new ideas . Embracing the local community and culture and having a go at something new are in my opinion the way to make life in the outback a truly unique and special experience .
Lisa Wright