BREAKING THE SILENCE, 2014 Breaking The Silence | Page 26

Variables Frequency Percent 15-25 52 22.03 26-35 82 34.75 36-45 58 24.58 46-55 35 14.83 56-65 9 3.81 Age at sexual debut (in years) n=230 Alcohol before sex Age (years) n=236 Mean age34.89+10.88 FIGURE 3 Ethnic group n=236 Igbo 27 11.44 Yoruba 209 88.56 3 1.27 60.00% Level of educa on n=236 No formal FIGURE 4 100.00% 80.00% Primary 63 26.69 40.00% Yes Secondary 149 63.14 20.00% No Ter ary 21 8.90 Married 154 65.25 Single 80 33.90 Widowed 2 0.84 138 89.61 More than 1 15 10.39 Lives with wife n=154 137 88.96 Marital status n=236 Number of wives n=154 1 Table 1: Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents Variables Frequency Percent 50 21.37 Smokes cigare e n=234 0.00% Sex with partner 10 Sex with partner 10 years younger n=228 years older n=225 FIGURE 5: INTERGENERATIONAL SEX 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Yes No Paid for sex n=225 FIGURE 6 Frequency of paying for sex n=59 S cks per day n=50 Less than 5 37 74.00 5-10 10 20.00 >10 3 6.00 Smokes hemp or cannabis n=231 57 24.68 FIGURE 7 Frequency of smoking hemp/cannabis n=57 Concurrent sexual relations Regularly 47 82.46 Non regular 6 10.52 Table 2: Smoking pattern Takes alcohol n=236 Frequency of alcohol consumption n=141 FIGURE 9 Gave gi s/favors for sex n=226 Currently sexual active FIGURE 8 Extramarital affairs FIGURE 10 Consumed substances for sexual arousal AMSUL Digest 2014