BREAKING THE SILENCE, 2014 Breaking The Silence | Page 25

65.95% were regular consumers. Of those who took beer, only 26.37% took more than 2 bottles. 26.95% of those who drink alcohol do so before having sex. More (42.61%) of respondents were 20 years and above at sexual debut. Mean age at sexual debut was 18.6+4.53. About a quarter (23.00%) had had sex with a partner 10 years younger an d 9.33% with a partner 10 years older. 34.51% of respondents gave gifts or favors for sex and majority was to girlfriend (84.43%). 27.11% paid for sex and 86.44% paid money to sex workers for sex out of which 32.20% were regular at it. Majority of respondents had had concurrent sexual relations (60.43%). 44.21% of those married had extramarital affairs. Almost all respondents (91.90%) had sex in the last 3 months and of those who had sexual relations in the last 3 months, majority had one partner (50.23%) and had sexual relations with spouse (68.84%). 53.95% of those who had sex in the last week had it with their spouses. One-fifth (18.58%) took substance for sexual arousal and majority took drugs for arousal (47.62%). Each one of the respondents (100.00%) engaged in vaginal sex, 20.35% anal and 7.08% oral. This study shows that age affected age at sexual debut. More of the respondent below the age of 30 years had sexual debut before age 15 years (p=0.000). There's an association between age and practice of inter-generational sex, more of respondents below 30 years practiced inter- generational sex (p=0.013). Also, age affected payment for sex, as age increased, payment for sex reduced (p=0.003). It is shown that age affected engaging in concurrent sexual relations, increasing age results in decreasing concurrent sexual relations (p=0.024). There was an association between marital status and age at sexual debut. More of the single respondents had sexual debut before the age of 15 years (p=0.000). Also, marital status affected the practice of inter-generational sex. More of the single respondents practiced inter-generational sex (p=0.001). There's also a significant association between marital status and transactional sex. More of the single respondents paid for sex (p=0.000). Marital status affected ever having concurrent sexual relations. More of the single respondent had ever had concurrent sexual relations (p=0.004); a similar pattern is seen between marital status and current concurrent sexual relations, more of single respondents had current concurrent relations (p=0.000). This study shows that cigarette smoking habit affected practice of inter-generational sex. More of those who smoked practice inter-generational sex (p=0.015). There's also an association between smoking and ever having concurrent sexual relations. More of respondents who smoked had ever had concurrent sexual relations (p=0.000); a similar pattern is seen between smoking cigarette and currently having concurrent sexual relations (p=0.003). Also, smoking cigarette affected engagement in anal sex, more of those who smoked engaged in anal sex (p=0.039) There's an association between smoking hemp and age at sexual debut. More of the respondents who smoked hemp had sexual debut before the age of 15 years (p=0.001). Also, there's an association between smoking hemp and practicing inter-generational sex. More of those who smoke hemp practiced inter-generational sex (p=0.043); similar association was seen between smoking hemp and transactional sex. More of those who smoked hemp paid for sex (p=0.004). There is also an association between smoking hemp and ever having concurrent sexual relations. More of those who smoked hemp had ever had concurrent sexual relations (p=0.000); similar pattern is also seen between smoking hemp and having current concurrent sexual relations (p=0.000). This study also shows that smoking hemp affected engagement in anal sex. More of those who smoked hemp engage in anal sex (p=0.004). This study shows that alcohol consumption affected practicing inter-generational sexual intercourse. More of the respondent who took alcohol practices inter- generational sex (p=0.010). Also, there's an association between alcohol consumption and payment for sex. More of those who took alcohol paid for sex (p=0.022). There's also an association between alcohol consumption and ever having concurrent sexual relations. More of the respondents who took alcohol had ever had multiple sexual relations running concurrently (p=0.000); similar association is seen between alcohol consumption and having current concurrent sexual relation. More of those who took alcohol had current concurrent sexual relations (p=0.000). Also, alcohol consumption is seen to have affect engagement in anal sex. More of the respondents who took alcohol practiced anal sex (p=0.010). AMSUL Digest 2014