BREAKING THE SILENCE, 2014 Breaking The Silence | Page 25
65.95% were regular consumers. Of those who took beer,
only 26.37% took more than 2 bottles. 26.95% of those
who drink alcohol do so before having sex.
More (42.61%) of respondents were 20 years and above at
sexual debut. Mean age at sexual debut was 18.6+4.53.
About a quarter (23.00%) had had sex with a partner 10
years younger an d 9.33% with a partner 10 years older.
34.51% of respondents gave gifts or favors for sex and
majority was to girlfriend (84.43%). 27.11% paid for sex
and 86.44% paid money to sex workers for sex out of
which 32.20% were regular at it.
Majority of respondents had had concurrent sexual
relations (60.43%). 44.21% of those married had
extramarital affairs. Almost all respondents (91.90%) had
sex in the last 3 months and of those who had sexual
relations in the last 3 months, majority had one partner
(50.23%) and had sexual relations with spouse (68.84%).
53.95% of those who had sex in the last week had it with
their spouses.
One-fifth (18.58%) took substance for sexual arousal and
majority took drugs for arousal (47.62%). Each one of the
respondents (100.00%) engaged in vaginal sex, 20.35%
anal and 7.08% oral.
This study shows that age affected age at sexual debut.
More of the respondent below the age of 30 years had
sexual debut before age 15 years (p=0.000). There's an
association between age and practice of inter-generational
sex, more of respondents below 30 years practiced inter-
generational sex (p=0.013). Also, age affected payment
for sex, as age increased, payment for sex reduced
(p=0.003). It is shown that age affected engaging in
concurrent sexual relations, increasing age results in
decreasing concurrent sexual relations (p=0.024).
There was an association between marital status and age
at sexual debut. More of the single respondents had sexual
debut before the age of 15 years (p=0.000). Also, marital
status affected the practice of inter-generational sex. More
of the single respondents practiced inter-generational sex
(p=0.001). There's also a significant association between
marital status and transactional sex. More of the single
respondents paid for sex (p=0.000). Marital status
affected ever having concurrent sexual relations. More of
the single respondent had ever had concurrent sexual
relations (p=0.004); a similar pattern is seen between
marital status and current concurrent sexual relations,
more of single respondents had current concurrent
relations (p=0.000).
This study shows that cigarette smoking habit affected
practice of inter-generational sex. More of those who
smoked practice inter-generational sex (p=0.015). There's
also an association between smoking and ever having
concurrent sexual relations. More of respondents who
smoked had ever had concurrent sexual relations
(p=0.000); a similar pattern is seen between smoking
cigarette and currently having concurrent sexual relations
(p=0.003). Also, smoking cigarette affected engagement
in anal sex, more of those who smoked engaged in anal sex
There's an association between smoking hemp and age at
sexual debut. More of the respondents who smoked hemp
had sexual debut before the age of 15 years (p=0.001).
Also, there's an association between smoking hemp and
practicing inter-generational sex. More of those who
smoke hemp practiced inter-generational sex (p=0.043);
similar association was seen between smoking hemp and
transactional sex. More of those who smoked hemp paid
for sex (p=0.004). There is also an association between
smoking hemp and ever having concurrent sexual
relations. More of those who smoked hemp had ever had
concurrent sexual relations (p=0.000); similar pattern is
also seen between smoking hemp and having current
concurrent sexual relations (p=0.000). This study also
shows that smoking hemp affected engagement in anal
sex. More of those who smoked hemp engage in anal sex
This study shows that alcohol consumption affected
practicing inter-generational sexual intercourse. More of
the respondent who took alcohol practices inter-
generational sex (p=0.010). Also, there's an association
between alcohol consumption and payment for sex. More
of those who took alcohol paid for sex (p=0.022). There's
also an association between alcohol consumption and
ever having concurrent sexual relations. More of the
respondents who took alcohol had ever had multiple
sexual relations running concurrently (p=0.000); similar
association is seen between alcohol consumption and
having current concurrent sexual relation. More of those
who took alcohol had current concurrent sexual relations
(p=0.000). Also, alcohol consumption is seen to have
affect engagement in anal sex. More of the respondents
who took alcohol practiced anal sex (p=0.010).
AMSUL Digest 2014