Brain Waves: UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Newsletter Volume 14 | Number 1 | Page 2
Getting the Most from PT and OT after Rehabilitation
As a person with traumatic brain
injury (TBI), your road to recovery
usually includes physical therapy
(PT) and occupational therapy (OT).
Soon after you are first injured, your
PT and OT act as a team to evaluate
you and design your treatment plan.
Then, your therapy team provides that
treatment during your rehabilitation
(rehab). The goal is to help you return
to the life you had before your injury
or get you as close as possible based
on your abilities.
The main job of your PT is to help
you get the most out of the movement
that you have after injury. This
includes helping you get stronger
as well as improving your strength,
range of motion (ROM), stamina, and
balance. This helps you get more
independent with walking, transferring
and other acts of mobility.
Your OT focuses more on helping
you become more independent with
activities of daily living (ADLs). ADLs
include dressing, bathing, grooming,
cooking, housework, gardening, and
any other activities and hobbies that
are part of your everyday life. Your OT
helps you learn to use any adaptive
equipment (cooking tools, dressing
aids, etc.) that helps you with your
ADLs. Your OT also helps you with
problem solving, safety awareness,
memory, money management and
other cognitive issues.
After Rehab
The transition from rehab to home
can be stressful. The change in
your environment can bring about
increased stress and confusion.
• Read the last issue of Brain
Waves to learn more on easing
the transition from rehabilitation
to home
You may think that you are on your
own in dealing with problem issues.
Not necessarily! PT and OT can be
very helpful with many common
Changing Situations
Everyone experiences changes in
their life. Some common changes
are returning to school, returning
to work, or finding a new job. Such
changes can be challenging, stressful,
confusing and can complicate other
emotional, behavioral, and cognitive
problems that are common after TBI.
PT and OT can help you adapt to, or
become used to, those changes. Here
are a few examples of how PT and OT
can be helpful in easing the stress of
changes in your life.
• Setting daily schedules
• Using a smartphone app or book
to assist with memory
• Teaching behavioral
management skills
• Using adaptive technologies
or equipment to improve
• Finding support groups and
community resources
Medical Problems
You may have medical problems
beyond the challenges of emotional,
behavioral, and cognitive problems
related to your TBI. PT and OT can
be helpful in managing many of these
If you are at risk for a pressure
ulcer, you need to be careful to
prevent them. PT and OT can
evaluate your wheelchair seating
and positioning, provide education
about positioning and pressure relief,
and suggest steps for you to take to
stay independent. If a have skin flap
surgery, your therapy team can teach
you better ways to transfer to avoid
added skin damage and better take
care of your skin.
Get Involved In UAB Research!
Brave Initiative
The University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB) aims to
improve the motor deficit of veterans who have sustained
a traumatic brain injury. Potential participants must:
• be at least 19 years old and 3 months post TBI;
• have movement problems or weakness of the
arms, but the ability to make at least some limited
movements with the more affected hand;
have no excessive pain; and
be able to undergo MRI
If you believe you meet the criteria above and would like
to participate in this study, Go to the website, call 205934-9768, or email for more information.
Project LIFT
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Traumatic
Brain Injury Model System is evaluating the impact of
telephone-based health education programs on health,
lifestyle, and aspects of quality of life for people with TBI
and their families. Participants are asked to:
• answer questions over the phone about your health
and lifestyle;
• have 2 in-person visits to UAB to collect additional
information about your health; and
• participate in a 24-26 week telehealth program
designed for people with TBI and their families.
Call 205-934-3345 or email [email protected] for more
i nformation.