Brain Waves: UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Newsletter Volume 14 | Number 1
VOL 14 | NUM 1
UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Digital Newsletter
Headline News
The University of Alabama at
Birmingham Traumatic Brain Injury
Model System (UAB-TBIMS)
provides Brain Waves twice annually
as an informational resource for people
with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
UAB-TBIMS Program Director:
Thomas Novack, PhD
Brain Waves Editor: Phil Klebine, MA
529 Spain Rehabilitation Center
1717 6th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233-7330
Phone: 205-934-3283
TDD: 205-934-4642
Fax: 205-975-4691
[email protected]
The contents of this publication
were developed under a
grant from the National
Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and
Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number
90DP0044). NIDILRR is a Center within the
Administration for Community Living (ACL),
Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS). The contents of this publication do not
necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR,
ACL, HHS, and you should not assume
endorsement by the Federal Government.
©2016 University of Alabama Board of Trustees.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
provides equal opportunity in education and
UPDATE! In the last issue of Brain Waves, we asked you, our readers,
to contact your federal legislators to prevent the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS) from cutting reimbursement rates for
Complex rehab technology (CRT) components. These components
are medically necessary, individually-configured manual and power
wheelchair systems, adaptive seating systems, alternative positioning
systems, and other mobility devices that require evaluation, fitting,
configuration, adjustment or programming. These cuts would have made
it very difficult or, in most cases, impossible for people with severe
disabilities to get the vital CRT components they need.
The UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System is happy to report that
Congress did pass the Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act that
included a delay in the planned reduced pricing on CRT by CMS. First,
we thank everyone who took action to help in this victory for people with
severe disabilities. Second, we stress that the recently passed Act only
delays the CMS from making cuts to CRT. We will likely have to fight this
battle again soon. Thank you. - Phil Klebine, Editor.
There are about 4 million parents in the United States living with a
disability. Many of them have traumatic brain injury. Did you know that
35 States still include physical disability as grounds for termination of
parental rights, even with no other evidence of abuse or neglect?
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and the National Council
on Disability have joined forces to equip people living with disabilities
with information about their rights as parents by creating a “Know
Your Rights” toolkit. This 16-page booklet covers issues parents and
prospective parents with disabilities face every day, including adoption
and foster care, reproductive health, child welfare, family law, and what
is required by law from government services. It also features a wealth of
resources to obtain more information, and spotlights what actions have
been taken across the nation.
The University of Minnesota Research and Training Center on
Community Living has developed a Make Work a Part of Your Plan
video and webinar series. The series was developed to deliver positive
narratives about competitive integrated employment for individuals with
disabilities. The series provides individuals, families, and professionals
with information around raising expectations for employment, as well as
participation, innovative ideas, strategies, best practices, and direction
for the future of employment support.
A research team has determined that adapted yoga is both
feasible and beneficial for adults with stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Subjects in a recently published study of adults with traumatic brain
injury demonstrated improved balance, flexibility, strength, endurance
and walking speed after participation in adapted yoga. The study
underscores the belief that adapted yoga may offer additional benefits
beyond those offered by traditional exercise for patients with traumatic
brain injury.