BQ Royal Business Magazine 3 | Page 6

s a business woman , you may decide you want to go global with
You have no other choices but to move .
your business ; this may mean getting from behind the computer and taking the needed steps to travel . Yes , global means traveling ; traveling means moving out of your comfort zone .
When traveling , you must make sure you plan for emergencies . Here is the issue when trying to plan , but God says go now :
In November , I had to make the choice to move because God said go . Below are the steps I took 5 days before I left :
Prayer o I had to prepare my mind and soul to leave and not turn back . o I had to ask God to get me out of a contract that would allow me travel
Elimination o I had to take out of van the things I no longer needed or whatever was not useful o I had to repack to fit and downsize an over packed vehicle .
Conversation o I had to speak to my children and family about leaving . o I had to explain that I could not tell them where I was going or why
Business automation o I did not know how long I would be on the road and how long I needed to schedule all newsletters , social media posts etc . o It was not easy to automate almost 90 % of my business because I connect with people consistently , personally Emergency Kits o I had to prepare myself with water , food , blankets , jumper cables