Boxmoor Direct November 2023 | Page 13

A Business Owner ' s Guide to the Kubler-Ross Change Curve

Navigating Change :

A Business Owner ' s Guide to the Kubler-Ross Change Curve

Change is an inevitable part of any business journey , and understanding how to navigate it effectively can be a game-changer . Have you heard of the Kubler- Ross Change Curve ? It was originally developed to explain the emotional stages experienced during personal loss , but it ’ s a framework I often refer to when guiding managers and employees through periods of change . Here ' s a brief overview and some tips on how business owners can support their employees through change :
Understanding the Kubler-Ross Change Curve : The Kubler-Ross Change Curve outlines the emotional phases individuals typically go through when confronted with change . These stages include denial , anger , bargaining , depression , and acceptance . In the business context , change can encompass anything from organisational restructuring to new processes or technologies .
What to Be Aware Of : Not everyone moves through the Change Curve at the same pace or in a linear fashion . Some employees may struggle more than others , while some might embrace change quickly . In my experience , other side effects of change can be decreased productivity , increased stress , and decreased morale if it ’ s not managed effectively .
What can you do to support employees ? Begin by acknowledging and empathising with the feelings and concerns of your people . Communicate openly and provide clear explanations and the rationale behind the change . Always remember that being listened to and feeling heard are basic human needs but listening to someone whilst respectful , doesn ’ t mean you have to agree with everything they say . Foster a culture of trust and collaboration by allowing employees to voice their opinions and concerns – even if you can ’ t always answer them or don ’ t necessarily agree with their sentiments . And , encourage adaptability and resilience by offering training , resources , and ongoing support .
Where does HR come in ? Human Resources professionals play a pivotal role in change management . They can assist in crafting effective communication strategies , conducting training sessions , and monitoring employee morale . HR can also provide a safe space for employees to express their concerns and offer guidance on coping strategies .
‘ The only constant in life , is change ,’ that ’ s a quote from Greek philosopher Heraclitus . Or you might be more familiar with , " Change is the law of life . And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future ," — that ’ s JFK . Whoever you look to for inspiration , understanding the Kubler-Ross Change Curve and actively engaging in supporting your employees , to make navigating change more smooth , will help to maintain a motivated workforce .
And of course , HR professionals can support you in managing change more effectively – but then I would say that !
Ruth George - HR Consultant ruth @ ruthgeorge . com ; 07899 920075
This is not legal advice and is provided for general information only . © Ruth George HR Consulting .
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