Boxmoor Direct November 2023 | Page 12

St John ’ s Christmas Tree Festival
Friday 15 - Tuesday 19 December 2023
The team at St John ’ s Church Boxmoor are once again busy organising this year ’ s Christmas Tree Festival . We have chosen the theme of “ Peace on Earth ”, which , sadly , feels particularly appropriate at this time !
We are sure our decorators will find ingenious ways of representing their impressions of the theme . If you feel you would like to get involved and sponsor / decorate a tree or help in any other way , please contact Jean Hammond ( jeanandrob @ live . co . uk )! The indoor trees need sponsors and decorators , the outdoor trees need sponsoring but are not decorated . All trees are lit up to brighten the winter gloom !
The outdoor trees are free for viewing at any time – just walk past and enjoy them , especially when the daylight is fading ! The admission fee to view the decorated indoor trees is just £ 2.50 for adults ( the same as last year ) and accompanied children enter free of charge . So do , please , come along and see the trees and bring your families and friends too . It is a lovely way to kickstart your Christmas celebrations !
The Festival opens as usual on the Friday ( 15 December ) and runs until the end of the following Tuesday . On the Saturday afternoon ( 16 December ) there will be the usual Outdoor Carols Around the Trees , led by the Vicar , starting at 2 pm and ending with a visit from Santa with plenty of sweeties for all the kiddies and all the young at heart !
This has become part of the annual Boxmoor calendar and is very popular , so do come along if you can and have a good old sing – the more the merrier . Hot Dogs and Glühwein ( mulled wine ) will be available from 1.45 to 3pm on the Saturday . This is in addition to the usual refreshments served in the Hall .
We hope you have put the Festival dates ( 15-19 December ) firmly in your diaries and that you have told all your families and friends about it , so that everyone has the chance to come and enjoy the trees and admire the ingenuity of the decorators !
12 < Boxmoor Direct < November 2023 <