91.1% of the 45 participants are ages 18-24, and 8.9% of participants fell within the
25-30-age range. The majority of participants are female, with 28.9% of participants being
male and 2.2% falling under other. 99.8% of participants have completed at least some
college. See Appendix B.
The survey and riding the bus supplemented our research on why people age 18-25 are
not riding the bus. As stated in our findings section, college students were not riding the bus
because they would rather drive, did not feel the need to ride the bus or the hours in which they
were interested in riding THE BUS are outside of its running hours. Interpreting that data, we
can conclude to a couple solutions that can increase choice ridership. Possibly the most
important knowledge gained from our survey revealed students would most likely utilize the bus
after 8 p.m. The buses do not currently run after 8 p.m., so extending the hours past 8 p.m. could
potentially help increase choice ridership numbers. Many of the students also listed lack of
information as the main reason for them not using THE BUS. Since the students stated a
smartphone app would be their preferred method of communication, this can be used as a way to
distribute information about the bus system or specific routes. For the students who would just
rather drive, it can be explained to them that the buses have Wi-Fi so they can be on their phones
or laptops, which is important since San Marcos is a hands free city. The qualitative data that
was conducted produced further inside as to why students may be deterred from riding THE
BUS. For example, the bus stops are often inconveniently located and may not come by often
enough. Additionally, the busses appeared to be old and dirty. The implementation of the new