Bottle Tree Bulletin Bottle Tree Bulletin - January 2020 | Page 10

Surat area Surat Arts ‘I Am’ Exhibition opens at Surat on Balonne Gallery Surat State School students were very proud to open their exhibition ‘I Am’ at Surat on Balonne Gallery in November. The opening took place at 3:30pm on Friday November 29 with the School’s P&C kindly serving a delicious afternoon tea. The Exhibition is all about the children exploring who they are as children and young adults and how their community has helped to shape them. The children have expressed themselves in a broad range of mediums for this exhibition including works on paper, self portraits, lino prints and sculptures. Don’t miss out on supporting these budding local artists, the exhibition will be open until January 19, 2020. In Focus Photography Competition 2020 The In Focus Photography Competition will be back in March 2020, with entries closing on March 13 and the official opening on March 28. This year’s sections include rocks, cloud study, night scene - out of doors, open subject, junior digital section - all creatures great and small (taken on phone or tablet) and digital section - festivals. For more information or an entry form please email [email protected]. January IN Surat area All month - School Holiday Program (see poster) 06 Surat Aboriginal Corporation Office opens again 21 Let’s Dance @ Surat Shire Hall +EVERY Wednesday Surat After School Sport & Social Sports +EVERY Wednesday SAC Walking Club +EVERY Thursday Barefoot Bowls +EVERY 1st Sunday Family Worship +EVERY 2nd SURAT BOWLS CLUB Barefoot Bowls Every Thursday Night Names in 6:30pm ph 4626 5169 Play 7pm - All Welcome Surat State School students with teacher Mrs Linklater at the opening of their Gallery exhibition, I Am. Surat on Balonne Gallery The Deadly Walking Surat State School students present Club Every Thursday afternoon, Matt the Safety and Wellbeing Officer from Surat Aboriginal Corporation along with community members would gather for the Deadly Walking Club at the Riverwalk. The Deadly Walking Club gives community members an opportunity to get active while also engaging with other community members. The Deadly Walking Club had an average attendance of 16 community members each week for all age groups. The Deadly Walking Club is open to all community members and due to its success, The Deadly Walking Club will return for 2020. Hope to see you there. An exhibition that explores who we are as children and young adults and how our community has helped to shape us. Featuring works on paper, self portraits, lino prints & sculptures. Please join us for the opening of this exhibition 3.30pm | Friday, 29 November 2019 P&C afternoon tea will be served EXHIBITION ON DISPLAY | Saturday, 30 November to Sunday, 19 January 2020 Surat on Balonne Gallery, Cobb & Co Changing Station | 62 Burrowes Street, PO Box 60, SURAT Q 4417 P 4626 5136 | F 4626 5256 | E [email protected] OPEN | Mon-Fri 9am to 4.30pm | Sat-Sun 10am to 4pm | For more information, please contact Council on 1300 007 662 or visit 10