Bossy! Magazine Issue 16 December 2016 | Page 38

Although you are happy for them and wish them well, your mind has convinced you that good things and happiness will not be yours as though you don’t deserve it. Many times, this way of thinking comes from past hurtful or negative experiences and serves as a type of self-preservation defense mechanism. It could be from an unpleasant childhood, abuse, a failed relationship, a job that you were let go from, it could be any number of things.

Although, you have moved on and put those things behind you, forgiven and forgotten. It has left a residue on you where your natural instinct is to protect yourself. Now, there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself from disappointment, but disappointment is a part of life. We will never escape from being disappointed. It is how you deal with it and resolve it that is the key.

Do not give up hope as all is not lost. You can learn how to recognize the tricks that your mind plays on you and develop the right way of the thinking, the right mindset. Let’s look at some thoughts that on the surface look as though, this is how you should be thinking but are really cheating you out of happiness.

Continued on pg 40