Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 59

Get clear on your short-and long-term financial goals

Fifty-nine percent of Americans say having clear goals is an important aspect of financial health. No matter your goals, try making each of them SMART, meaning they are:

* Specific: Know precisely what you want to do with your money.

* Measurable: Know the exact dollar amount you need to achieve your goals.

* Attainable: Know how you can reach your goals based on your current budget.

* Realistic: If a goal is out of reach, find ways to make it more attainable.

Your SMART goals don't have to stay the same. If you're working on long-term goals, you can review and adjust them annually as life changes.

Create a budget and know where you stand

A budget can give you a holistic view of your money habits. With a budget, it's easier to manage, track and allocate your spending based on your needs.