Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 58

Accept Yourself

Every single person has faults and victories, weaknesses and strengths, good characteristics and bad habits - embrace yourself for all that you are: the good and the bad!

When we stop criticizing ourselves for our faults, we can be much more accepting and content in our own skin - accepting yourself is the greatest form of self-love and should be reinforced every day.

The Self-Love Movement Continues

Self-love should never be misunderstood for selfishness or self-obsession, a lot of self-love is a very healthy part in the relationship you have with yourself.

The great thing about continuing this movement and implementing methods to increase the love for yourself, is that it will spill over into others’ lives.

Don’t be shy, give yourself a big hug and some much-needed love and share that with others.

Make self-love contagious.