Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 37

There are crystals for every vibe that you’d like to add or amplify; like amethyst for peace of mind.

Some of my rituals or day-to-day activities include gratitude in the morning, maintaining an altar, as well as using tarot for self-care. Baths are especially important for those who work with crowds or a lot of people in general regardless if it’s virtually or in an office.

With Astrolyszics’s tools, I light my ENERGY Incense in the morning to get me going for the day. As I drink my tea, I call in the energy that I would like to have. For example, with each sip, I think “I would like to have a sense of ease today.” I have crystals like citrine and aventurine around my desk to keep my positive energy. For a break, I meditate or get some sun outside while wearing my crystal bracelets wherever I go. At the end of the day, I light a TRANQUILITY incense. 

Wellness doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. As you continue to create a relationship with that inner voice and take moments of mindfulness, you will see that maybe it’s just adding flowers or speaking into your water. You will know what you need as long as you listen to your body and inner desires.