Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 15

Now that we understand the rules, let's get into how all of this started! 

I was a young adult, and I do mean young, and I was dating this very nice guy.  We'll call him Tom. Tom was beautiful! 6’5”, light golden brown skin, as chiseled as a statue of a Greek god, green eyes and carrying around a big thick cut of sirloin! Now I don't know if Tom grew up as an ugly duckling but I do not think he was aware of all that he was packing- physically and down below! He was sort of a nerdy, dorky, goofball but he was also very charming, nice and polite. Dating him was easy. He didn't try too hard and being with him was very effortless.

Sometimes when dating we tend to have guards up or even put up our representative until we're in a more comfortable state. But with him I could be without makeup and not feel out of place and we would watch lame corny movies and just laugh until tears came out of our eyes. He had a childlikeness about himself that I loved; where we would literally play together. We would go to parks just to play and have rock skipping competitions or build a fort to be in for the night. He was fun and carefree in a way that I had never experienced in dating. And then, we got to the sex!