BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 35

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I know all about that , my cousin ’ s best friend is autistic . - This isn ’ t all that bad considering some of the others , but if you know one autistic person , you just know autistic person . Autism is a spectrum of disorders , with so many symptoms and behaviors that it ’ s unlikely my kid is anything like your family member .
He ’ s just being picky . He should eat whatever you give him . He ’ ll eat when he ’ s hungry . - Actually he won ’ t . And how many days should I starve him while I wait for his sensory issues with certain foods to miraculously cure themselves ? Trying to force him to just taste it , will probably end with him throwing it up . And then my sensory issues will kick in , and I ’ ll throw up . Who needs this drama ?
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Oh , he doesn ’ t seem that bad . - This has been said to me many times , in response to “ My son is autistic .” I didn ’ t say he was bad , I said he as autistic . Autism isn ’ t bad , and there isn ’ t anything wrong with him . He just interacts with the world differently than you or I . Different can be a beautiful thing .
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So what can he do ? - I admit , I was thrown by this at first . Like what do you think he is a trick pony ? I know many movies and books about folks on the spectrum will highlight a special talent or genius they have . Though my son does have some special talents , like a crazy sick memory , I don ’ t know that it has to do with his autism and many ASD kids don ’ t . It ’ s not a buy one get one free kind of deal .
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Will he always be like that ? - Will he always have Autism ? Yes . Will he always be reciting entire TV episodes to himself , humming to self soothe , or whatever atypical behavior you are noticing at the moment ? To tell the truth I don ’ t know , there are behaviors and symptoms he had for years that have disappeared and new ones have taken their place . There is no road map to autism , I ’ m just along for the ride .