BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 34


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Are you sure he ’ s autistic ? - Believe or not , because Spike is high-functioning , I get this a lot . Yes , he ’ s verbal and isn ’ t doing any of the behaviors you ’ ve seen on Rain Man , but after 3 doctors , 2 neurologists and a team of therapists . Yeah , I ’ m pretty sure .
An ASD kid ’ s tantrum isn ’ t the result of poor parenting .
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He looks so normal . - What does this even mean ? I don ’ t know what you think normal looks like or what autistic look like , but my son is fly AF . Thanks though ... not .
Oh , I ’ m so sorry ! - Listen .. I get you may not know what to say . And maybe you ’ re noticing the amount of blood , sweat and buckets of tears it can sometimes take to parent an ASD kid . But saying sorry makes us feel like you are pitying us and / or that you feel bad that we ’ ve created the funniest , coolest kid ever . Being this kid ’ s mom has helped me grow and love in ways I never knew possible , plus he is a genuinely great kid . I ’ m not sorry , you don ’ t need to be either .
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Oh , did you have him vaccinated ? Or that ’ s why I don ’ t vaccinate , Or anything that has the V word . This is a personal and very dangerous subject . There is a very big chance this could get you pimp slapped . Just . Don ’ t .
He just needs some discipline . Or , you need to spank him . - Now I ’ m sure there are times when we all have this thought while observing someone else ’ s child act out . However , this was actually said to me by an older woman , as my three year old had an absolute meltdown in Target after he lost the empty ketchup bottle he had been carrying everywhere for the last 6 weeks . ( Don ’ t ask ). At the time I was exhausted , and had a equally cranky 5 year old begging for McDonald ’ s . It ’ s possible I threatened to knock her dentures out . Any jury would have acquitted . An ASD kid ’ s tantrum isn ’ t the result of poor parenting . Any sort of sensory overload could have triggered a meltdown and a struggling parent might need some help or just and understanding a smile , even a hug . I doesn ’ t need PAGE 2your judgement . And I don ’ t need a case .