Bossy! Magazine August 2016 Issue 14 | Page 25

Exercise No. 1 Partner: Squat Hold/Squat and Row

Partner 1: Squat Hold

Hold the middle of the resistance band in both hands, a few inches inches between each hand, leaving the handles for your partner.

Stand with feet at hip or shoulder width (the exact position will depend on flexibility). Keeping the core engaged and the chest high, add a slight bend in the knees. Next, sit back into your heels sending your hips and butt back and down, keeping the knees from extending over the toes. While the butt sinks your chest and shoulders remain tall.

Instead of standing back up, sink into that squat and hold it. Keep all of the weight in your heels, while driving the knees and hips open. Be sure to maintain and upright body position with your chest up, shoulders back and down, and core engaged.

Hold the handles with your arms extended in front of you as you sit back into a squat position. As you stand up, pull your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position.

Complete 20 repetitions and switch positions.

Muscles used: Glutes, quads, back.

20 repetitions x 5 sets


Partner 2: Squat and Row

Hold the handles with your arms extended in front of you as you sit back into a squat position. As you stand up, pull your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position.

Complete 20 repetitions and switch positions.

Muscles used: Glutes, quads, back.

20 repetitions x 5 sets

Exercise No. 2 Partner Alternating Press

Partner 1:

Standing in a split stance, hold the middle of the resistance band in both hands. Keep a few inches of band between each hand, leaving the handles for your partner.

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by Nicole