Bossy! Magazine August 2016 Issue 14 | Page 20

7 Steps to Having a Healthier Refrigerator

& Pantry

Step 1: Give both your refrigerator and pantry a good cleaning!

Step 2: Toss old leftovers, half-empty boxes of cookies, chips and any other high fat, processed vices! Make a box of must-go items and toss or donate them. You may think throwing away food is a no-no but you want to set yourself up for success.

Step 3: Find a clean eating nutrition plan to follow and plan a menu for the next week. There are many available online or you can contact me and I will help you find one


You've made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle but every time you open the fridge or the pantry, you are faced with temptations that can derail your efforts. What should you do? It's time for a complete refrigerator and pantry makeover!

by Jenn Holdman