Bossy! Magazine April 2016 Issue 10 | Page 6

Your Girl Fee


The Common Sense Association

Know Better. Do Better.

We have heard this phrase maybe over 1, 000 times in our lives. Know better. Do better. And we find it easy to implement in certain areas of our life like parenting, and career. But we have a hard time applying that same way of thinking when it comes to our relationships. Why is it when we know better we do not choose to do better? Usually it is because we are afraid of the unknown, or dealing with the potential fall-out of our choice. We fail to compare the fear of the unknown, to the fear of the known. Meaning, we will stay in a bad situation (situation we know) instead of seeing the unknown as a good thing. It’s like we tell ourselves being treated badly is better than being alone. To actually do better, though, certain steps have to be taken. Here are a few of the simple ones