Bossy! Magazine April 2016 Issue 10 | Page 27


Recipe of the Month

Breakfast is Important

Our bodies are fasting all night long and breakfast is the meal that breaks that fast and gets our metabolism going. Food is our fuel for our bodies as well as our brains. Just like our cars do not run well on an empty tank of gas, neither do we.

Prevent Overeating

Our bodies need certain nutrients that can be provided with a healthy breakfast. When skipping breakfast, you are more likely to compensate by overeating later on in the day. The longer you wait to eat, as hunger builds, it’s easier to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks.

Brain Fuel

Breakfast restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels as well improve our mood and lower stress levels.

Body Fuel

Eating a breakfast that's high in fiber and carbohydrates could help you feel less tired throughout the day. The more energy you have, the more active you are likely to be.

If you skip breakfast because you want to save calories, that may backfire. Chances are you'll be starving by lunchtime. That may lead you to overeat or choose fast but unhealthy options.

Even if you are not hungry in the morning you can train your body in no time. Choose breakfast options that are a combination of whole grains, fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats.