Bossy! Magazine April 2016 Issue 10 | Page 20

how to love

an Autism mom Mom

"If you have a friend with a child recently diagnosed with autism, you may not know what they need"

April is autism awareness month and as an autism mom, I’m aware that while your family and friends would like to be there for you and support you, they may not know how. Also if you have a friend or family member who is a super mom to an autistic child or have recently received this diagnosis you may not know where you fit in or how you can best support them.. Although everybody’s journey is different, there are plenty of ways to support your loved one and that’s what they need most. Here are 5 ways to be a friend to an Autism Mom.

1. Ask us how we’re doing- This sounds simple but it really isn’t. After my son’s diagnosis, people always asked how he was, what was next they asked about doctor's appointments and treatments. Peolple never took the time to find out how I was.You have no idea how a sincere “How are you doing handling everything?” and readiness to hear an honest answer is all that’s needed to feel like someone cares.

2. Lend her your ear-Once you’ve taken the the time to actually ask a question, listen. You may not understand the things your friend goes through as a special needs parent. Maybe you think you don't have good advice to give, or any experience in the problems they’re facing. But you can be a listening ear. You can be a much needed safe place where your friend can share all of their frustrations and doubts without any fear of judgment. That is one of the best gifts you can give.