Bossy! Magazine April 2016 Issue 10 | Page 18

Time to Spring Clean Your LOVE LIFE

Now that spring is really here, many of us feel compelled to do some spring cleaning. We clean out our cabinets and closets. Getting rid of the old and making way for new. Even after all that tidying up, sometimes you still have a lot of junk hanging around and stressing you out. That may be some internal messiness in your love life you need to clean out. Lugging around baggage, hurts and messiness in our relationships can weigh us down.

We have five ways to Spring Clean your relationship and renew your love and commitment.

1. Air It Out- I bet there is a conversation you have been avoiding or an argument that has been popping up over and over again. That tends to happen if you you don’t settle the issue the first time. Take some time and schedule a little one on one to finally tackle the problem, Whether it’s financial issues, household or parenting issues or even a lack intimacy continuously ignoring the elephant in the room will let it grow making it hard for you both to exist in the same space. If you’ve been building up resentment, it’s time to unload past hurts. Let your partner know you want to move past these things, but first you’d like to share your feelings about why these incidents hurt you. Give your spouse the opportunity to apologise and make things right. Then you need to FORGIVE him or her like Elsa “let it go”. Now that have aired it out,you must be willing to stop bringing it up. Consider it old baggage, and throw it away. Start fresh.