Backyard creation
wins award
By Communications Advisor, Stephanie Byers.
Sarah Matthews has always wanted a vintage
caravan parked in her backyard. So when the
opportunity arose to create a handbag from
sterilising products for the Sterile Services
Association’s annual conference, with a
‘Backyard’ theme, Sarah designed the little
pink caravan.
Above: Sarah dreaming of kiwi road trips in her vintage caravan.
Left: Two of the handbags created using sterilising products by Tauranga
Hospital staff.
It’s made from pink and blue sterilising wrap, green sterilising
gloves, the silver trim from surgical masks and a few other bits and
Sarah who’s a Sterilising Technician at Tauranga Hospital has also
worked as a Chef and a Dressmaker.
You may recall Sarah featuring in previous issues of Checkup with
her apple tree gown and an elaborate gown made of 124 hibiscus
flowers. These designs won top prizes at the Association’s previous
“I’ve dreamed of having a vintage caravan parked in my backyard,
to take on holidays around New Zealand. This creation is a step in
that direction.”
This year Sarah’s colleague, Robyn Bell also entered the manbag/
handbag competition. Her design pictured above, celebrates her
love of the Bay of Plenty, and features the Pikorua symbolising the
bond between people and culture.
The caravan took out the top prize at the New Zealand Sterile
Services Association national conference, and won a $1000
donation to the Breast Cancer Foundation as well as $1000 to go
towards staff attending next year’s conference.
Once she’d thought about what she was going to make, Sarah says
the handbag only took about four hours to put together. It’s inspired
her to start making usable handbags from recycled products watch this space.
Are you ready to quit smoking?
Then join the Quitters Club
By Smokefree Coordinator Wendy Tustin-Payne.
membership would help to improve their overall wellbeing."
A Quitters Club has been set up for those
wanting to kick the habit and if you sign up
before 13 November you will get one month's
gym membership, FREE.
Aside from the tailored smoking cessation plan and free support
and advice, you also have the option of meeting up with others
who've joined up. Statistics show your chances of successfully
quitting increase when you don't do it alone.
The Quitters Club gives you free support and advice at both
hospitals. You will have a smoking cessation plan tailored to your
own needs, access to free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
and the option of regular catch ups to support you along the way.
Smokefree Coordinator Wendy Tustin- Payne says the idea came
from Alison Badger PA to Pete Chandler, Chief Operating Officer,
and like many good ideas it was thought up over a cup of coffee.
"The idea just grew from there. Often people complain about
putting on weight when they quit smoking. We thought the gym
To find out more see Quitters Club - http://oneplace/Content/