SURVEY ON cpd in aecs & analysis of the survey results
In order to achieve Goal 1 of the Action Plan, that is, to get more colleagues to participate in Teacher Academy Courses, it was necessary to first determine the current situation in relation to this goal. So, I created a survey and the school principal sent it to all AECS teachers. The aim was to understand the CPD preferences among teachers in Carregal do Sal School Cluster.
The survey focused on:
- the professional development done by AECS teachers;
- the kind of professional activity they prefer;
- the frequency AECS teachers do continuing professional training;
- how much of that professional training is online;
- their knowledge of MOOCs and Teacher Academy (TA) courses;
- ways to improve attendance of online courses in general and TA courses particularly.
There are 137 teachers working at AECS, 108 of whom responded to this survey, which corresponds to 78,8% of the school universe.
Analysis of the Survey
The results of the survey are analysed in detail in this section.