CFAE-Planalto Beirão, the local school association centre);
- Online courses and courses/seminars/conferences taken abroad can be accredited through CCPFC - (teachers have to send the certificates and programme);
- Leave of absence for CPD launched or organised by central services (i.e. the Ministry of Education’s central and/or regional Departments or the school/school cluster in which the teacher works), is preferentially given when training takes place during the non-teaching service hours of the teacher. If it has been proved impossible to time training activities so that they harmonise with the teacher’s
non-teaching part of the timetable, the teacher is given leave of absence during his/her teaching timetable. Whatever the case, training may only be given the go-ahead after the schools/school clusters have ensured that there will not be a break in the lessons the teacher normally gives. If the training course is upon the teacher’s own initiative, it will have to be done when there is no teaching, during the school holidays;
- The principal can decide if a certain course is compulsory for some teachers, if it is considered important for the school performance, plan, improvement...;
- The principal is a member of
the local school association centre and belongs to its Board of Directors. Together with the centre director they decide the CPD courses for the upcoming year(s);
- 1 teacher from each school cluster is also part of a special section of the school association centre and together with the director of the centre they come up with the yearly CPD plan that has to be approved by the Board of Directors;
- Teachers hand in a copy of their certificates at the school administration in order to be included in their professional files.