with the new School Principal about the School-Based Case Studies
aria João Marques answered some questions on online teacher training, the pilot project implemented in the school cluster and the activities developed throughout the year.
1. What’s your opinion about online teacher training?
Teacher training is and will be increasingly important. In a world of constant changes and challenges, it is essential that teachers update themselves and look for tools that can motivate their students to learn more and better. Online training is a very interesting and practical alternative as teachers’ timetables in Portugal are demanding and leave very little time for face-to-face training which sometimes mean long distances to training centres often far from teachers’ workplaces or hometowns.
2. What is your opinion about the participation of the school cluster in the school-based case studies pilot?
I am proud to be the Principal of a School Cluster that is part of such a project. The commitment and interest of the teachers involved in the project is undoubtedly to be praised.
3. What do you think about the activities developed during the implementation of the project?
The activities developed during the implementation of the project were very enriching for all participants. The development of a strong spirit of cooperation and mutual help among the teachers involved in the project was notorious. Following the online course the study group teachers attended, they implemented classroom activities and shared their experiences with the school community.
4. Do you think this study contributed to change the way AECS teachers see online training courses and their continuing professional development? Why?
In my opinion this project has unequivocally contributed to make some teachers of the School Cluster perceive online training as an important tool for their pedagogical practice. Obviously, for changes to take place there must be “engines”, teachers who, by their characteristics, lead change. In this case, the group of teachers involved in the Study Group showed a contagious enthusiasm, namely in the presentation session of the project that took place on November 13th in the form of an accredited short course and which had the participation of Luís Fernandes, member of the Pedagogical Advisory Board of the Teacher Academy at the European Commission and current Director of the Training Center of Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde. The teachers involved in the School Education Gateway pilot project presented their reflections on participating in the case study and the transfer of learning to practice at classroom level. The event was attended by several teachers of the school cluster and others from neighbouring areas.
5. Would you like to continue implementing this project in the school cluster? Why?
If there is such a possibility, the participation of AECS in the School Education Gateway pilot project would be an added advantage. By means of this project it will be possible to motivate teachers to use more innovative practices and foster collaboration and collaborative practices.
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