BOOM September Issue | Page 45

C A R E E R’ S Why You Should Always Leave Work on Time I f you ever needed an excuse or three to leave work on time then this could be it.New research shows that people working 55 hours a week or more are over a third more likely to suffer a stroke than those working a 35 to 40 hour week. They are also 13% more likely to suffer a heart attack.The largest study conducted on the issue, carried out in three continents and led by scientists at University College London, makes a clear statement on the dangers of burning the midnight oil. The researchers, who published their findings in the Lancet medical journal, cannot state categorically that long hours cause people to have strokes – but their study shows that there is a link between the two.And this correlation increases the longer the hours that people put in at the office. But strokes and heart disease aren’t the only risks involved in working longer hours - there’s